Friday 12 October 2007

The Wlidlife Park - not the zoo!

12th October
This morning I got up early and went to reading class. I got there a bit early and the teacher came and sat with me and started asking me loads of questions about what degree I do in newcastle, and what Im going to do after I graduate, which was nice but a bit scary.
After class dad and i went to get the bus to the zoo. Luckily the tourist buses all go from the stadium which is close to where i live. I went to the ticket office at the bus stop and told the lady that i'd like to go to the zoo and she said i could get the ticket on the bus and that the bus was just outside. So we got on the bus and after a few minutes i realised that it was going in the wrong direction!!! An hour and a half later we arrived at shanghai wildlife park. I had read about this place in sarah's shanghai guide book, it was a bit like a safari park, and a few years ago someone had got out of the bus and been killed by a bear!
It was a really good place though. All the animals were really well looked after and they had loads of space. Part of the park was a bus tour, and you could walk around the rest of it. We went have a look at the bit where the elephants were and one of the elephants came running over which i thought was nice. I stood next to the wall to have my photo taken with it in the background, and just after the photo had been taken the elephant sprayed water all over us! i was soaked, but it was sooooo funny. We saw 2 pandas which were so cute, i want one!

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