Sunday 28 October 2007

The class meal

24th October
This morning and this afternoon was pretty boring - went to class and then did some work. But this evening frankie and i went out for our class meal! We met everyone outside the main entrance of campus and then a few of us went to the restaurant. I thought we would be going somewhere nice, but we ended up going to the restaurant in the other foreign student halls across the road. It was alright tho. Because there were about 30 of us we had a private room. On the way there I was talking to the american girl which was interesting, shes so good at chinese and she sometimes makes me feel stupid in class, but i found out that she has been living in china for 2 and a half years so im sure that if i had lived here for that long my chinese would be just as good, hopefuly.
One of the guys said that we should each order one thing off the menu but i think that got a bit confusing and so someone just ordered for everyone. The food was . . . . . interesting. There were the usual things like chicken feet, but there were also some strange things like jelly fish and something involving chicken blood which i decided not to try. We were sat on 2 different tables and unfortunately we had the sexist writing teacher on our table, great!! we counted 8 sexist remarks during the meal, but im sure there were more.
During the meal the guys insisted on having drinking competitions with the writing teacher and with each other which was quite funny, altho it wasnt so funny when we got the bill because we ended up paying for loads of beer that only a few people had drunk. Afterwards a couple of people went to karaoke but we decided not to go, I really dont think my classmates would like to hear me singing really badly out of tune. On the way back to halls we saw the little korean guy from our class who was sooooooo drunk, and when we saw him he was driving into town - safe!

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