Saturday 6 October 2007


5th October
This morning we got the metro to people's square to go to the urban planning museum. It might sound like quite a boring place, but it was sooooooooooo interesting. They had loads of old photos of shanghai and the surrounding areas. and on one floor there was a huuuuuuuge scale model of shanghai, it was massive and looked as though it would have been loads of fun to make. It was really detailed. They also had loads of stuff about the future of shanghai and about making it more environmentally friendly which was really interesting.
After lunch we went to Pu dong (the other side of the river) to have a walk around and look at the skyscrapers. It was really good, but still really busy everywhere. There was a big shopping mall called the "branded mall" so we thought we'd go for a look and it was just full of western shops, and we went into next and it was more expensive than england, outrageous!!

6th October
Today we went to the Shanghai art museum which was really good. They had loads of nice paintings and prints, but the best thing was the silk exhibition by hermes!! It was a story about the silk road and it was really interesting and really well presented. And there were loads of hermes scarves with amazing designs and i wanted to steal them all, but obv i didnt cos i would probs have got arrested. It was amaaaaaazing tho.
In the evening we went out for tea with sunny because she has an english exam next week so i was testing her on stuff. we went for tea at sarah's, the best place!!!

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