Tuesday 23 October 2007


23rd October (one week till my birthday)
Today listening class was so boring - about 1/3 of the class went to sit in the smoking room down the corridoor and a lot of people who stayed in the class went to sleep. After it finished we went to McDo for lunch which was really nice - its good to have a break from the chinese food!
This afternoon I met up with sunny and she helped me with some work, and i helped her with some english work. And she gave me a really nice birthday present - its a chinese stamp that has my english name and chinese name on it! and i got a little thing of ink as well so i have been stamping my name in my books cos im cool.
Later on this afternoon I had to go for my training session before my first class this evening. When I got there I talked to Ada and Tina (the other teachers - who are chinese) about what i would be doing, and then Tina spent about 10 minutes telling me what i should do in my class and then she left me to prepare for it. It was quite scary because I didnt really know what to do and i felt like i had been thrown in at the deep-end. But there was a chinese girl called nicole who was my assistant so she got all the props and things that I would need and she helped me a lot. Her job is to sit in my class and stop the children from shouting and being naughty.
So at half 6 my class started. the children are all 5 or 6 and they are really cute. I had to teach them four words - breakfast, lunch, dinner and desert. It was quite fun, and I made them play lots of games to keep their attention and stop them falling asleep cos its quite late for small children. But some of them were really naughty and they kept shouting all the time even after id told them not too, and even when nicole had shouted at them in chinese. But it was still lots of fun, but by the end some of them were falling asleep.
I really enjoyed my first class,even tho it was so tiring, and ive got a couple more training things before my next one so it shouldnt be so scary next time!

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