Thursday 4 October 2007

The Silk Museum

3rd October (27 days till my birthday)
Today was our last day in suzhou. In the morning we went to the silk museum which was really interesting. Suzhou was the centre of the silk trade in china. In the museum it showed how they used to make all the stuff and they had loads of silk worms which i thought we're plastic ones just so you could see what they looked like, but they started moving so i realised that they werent plastic.
After we went to the museum we decided to have a walk around the new part of suzhou (which was really similar to shanghai so not that exciting) We couldnt be bothered to walk to the centre so we got on of those bicycle taxis that has a seat on the back and the guy completely ripped us off! He charged us 100yuan (£7) for a 10 minute ride and I tried to argue about it but he wouldnt speak and just kept pointing at a hundred note that he already had which was so annoying!
The centre wasnt that interesting. It was sooooooooooo busy and just the usual shops.
For lunch we found a restaurant on one of the side streets which looked really nice. The menu was all in chinese so i just guessed at things. I picked something off the vegetable menu which turned out to be celery, and then we got a beef thing with sesame buns which i think had been deep fryed (healthy) and then beef soup which was basically a bowl of msg with a bit of beef in it, it wasnt very nice.
We went back to the hostel to get our bags and then got the train back to shanghai. It was really nice to get back to uni. I really liked suzhou and tai hu but it was just too busy. Although ive learnt not to go to a popular tourist place during golden week. I think next semester when we get a week off im going to get a sleeper train to the middle of nowhere to escape the crowds!

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