Sunday 28 October 2007

Windows scoreboard

27th October
It nice to have a lie in the morning - the only one this week!! I got dressed and then got the bus into xujiahui to buy my twin a birthday present. After a bit of shopping it was getting really busy so I got the bus back to uni and after lunch frankie and i went to some estate agents because we are thinking about renting a flat next semester, but we couldnt find anything that was right. When we were walking around the estate agents I got a call from Ada asking if i could go and teach in an hours time cos someone had called in sick so obv i said yes. When i got to school it was so busy and i didnt know what i was supposed to be teaching or what class it was, but then someone gave me a book and I had 10 mins to prepare my class which was a bit stressful but it went quite well. The class I had to teach were a couple of years older than my usual class and they all spoke really good english so it was quite easy.
This evening we all went to a bar called windows scoreboard which was really good. It was owned by the people who own windows too that we went to last weeked so they had all the same really cheap drinks. But i was really good and just had an orange juice and a bottle of tiger because I had to teach the next day. There were loads of expats there, but they were all just ugly white men with pretty chinese girlfriends. At half 11 frankie and I decided to walk to mister donut to see if it was still open and luckily it doesnt close till midnight at the weekend!!

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