Saturday 20 October 2007

Windows Too

19th October
This morning after reading class I went for a walk to find the building where my interview was this afternoon so that I wouldnt get lost and be late. After I found it i decided to go for a little walk but i somehow got really really lost even though i was like two streets away from university. After about half an hour I ended up at the back entrance of campus - i have no idea how i managed to get there. After lunch I went to my interview. When i got there someone asked me to go and wait upstairs, and then a chinese woman called Ada came and met me. The first thing she said in the interview was that she had to appologise to me because she had lied, she didnt want me to teach her children, she wanted me to teach at her school. I dont know why she couldnt just tell the university this, it was a bit strange. And then she gave me some books and told me I had 15 minutes to prepare a lesson and then I had to teach it to her, it was quite scary but I think it went quite well.
After my interview i went to speaking class which was in the park next to uni because it was a nice sunny day. It was really fun. We spent about 20 minutes doing speaking stuff and then we just wandered around the park.
In the evening we all went out for a nice italian meal and then we went to find a bar that we had read about in the guide book. However when we got there the guy said that it opened at 4am!!!! luckily there were lots of other bars near there so we went into one called tequila sunrise. This was a mistake. There were lots of ugly western men surrounded by pretty chinese woman we were blatantly prostitues. There was a french guy there called frank who came to talk to us and we asked him if the woman were prostitues and he said that they werent and that they just got commission for every drink they sell - we didnt believe this.
So we quickly drank our drinks and then got a taxi to a place called windows too which was a really nice club, and the drinks were so cheap - so obviously I had far too much to drink. There were loads of western people there! We were dancing quite a lot and then we saw three korean guys from our class which was really funny. But then apparantly I said i had to go home so frankie and sarah came back with me. I dont really remember much else. I was in the toilets in our halls for quite a while and I wanted to sleep there and I said I would scream if anyone tried to move me, but after a lot of persuasion from frankie and sarah and decided that it would be best if i slept in my room and i managed to crawl into the lift and then crawl into my bed.

horrendous hangover today!
I spent pretty much all day in bed and spoke to william for a bit which was nice.
In the evening I managed to get up and get dressed and frankie and I went to the uygur restuarant for tea which was really nice.

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