Thursday 27 September 2007


Today was the best day for class because we dont start till 9.30, and our normal teacher was away so we had another teacher who was much better. and during the break we had a nice chat with some of the people in our class and because frankie and i cant go out for the meal tomorrow they said that they would arrange something else for after golden week which is really nice.

Gemma wasnt very well today so i said i would go to the doctors with her, and we discovered that there was a hospital on campus so we went there. It was an interesting experience. Gemma got to go straight to the front of the queue and our doctor only spoke a bit of english, but i had brought my electronic dictionary which helped. After they took some blood and did some tests the woman was saying that gemma would need to have something done but we couldnt understand what that word was and when i put it in my dictionary it came up as a blood transfusion!!! so gemma was obv really worried about what was going to happen to her and we thought that it had to be a mis-translation we started ringing all our chinese friends who could speak english to see if they could explain it to us and eventually we found out that it was an IV drip. So in China, if you're ill you dont get medicine, they drip the medicine into you so that you get better more quickly and so you dont have to miss uni/work, genius!
So gemma got her drip and we went and sat in "drip room" which is a room full of people on drips, it was really wierd.

In the evening frankie and i went out with vannessa, cherry and justin to a club in town called babyface which was so cool. we had to spend over 600yuan on drinks to get a table, but thats only £7 each. In china people buy drinks by the bottle rather than individual drinks so we got a bottle of whisky and mixed it with brown tea which was really nice. and in the clubs people play drinking games with dice which was really fun, altho some people had a bit too much to drink. The music was really good too, some chinese dance music! the chinese men were really into their dancing, it was so funny. At one point everyone was just sat at our table so i thought i'd just go and dance in the middle of the really busy dance floor and see if any chinese men would come and dance with me, and one guy came and said "we just dance, ok?" so i said yes, but his dancing was hilarious and i couldnt stop laughing. and he asked me what was so funny and i just said that i was really happy, and then her carried on dancing. frankie came to dance with me, but we saw that cherry was really upset so we went to find out waht was wrong and it turned out that she'd just broken up with her boyf and some horrible sleazy western man in the club had just gone up to her and asked her to go back to his hotel room, sooooooooooo horrible!!! and then unfortunately vanessa wasnt very well so we went home. but we werent very tired so frankie, justin and i went to lie on the sports field for a while, and cos it was 2.30am no one was there and it was really nice and peaceful. but then a strange man started walking round the running track wearing his pyjamas and a white face mask like the ones that doctors wear, it was so strange.

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