Friday 14 September 2007

Elementary Level 3

11th September

Today I had my first level 3 class and it was quite difficult. When we first got there we had a vocab test but obviously we couldnt do it because we'd not been in the lesson the day before. The teacher is really nice tho and really friendly. During the first break I stayed in the classroom and the two koean women sat near me offered me a chocolate biscuit which was so nice, they are the first friendly korean people. They asked me where I was from and I said that I was English (in chinese) but I had to say it about 6 times before they understood, and then when they did understand they assumed I was from London, so I corrected them and said I was from York. One of the korean women got really excited and said "ooooooooo yorkshire, lots of sheep" which was quite amusing.
The next class was listening class which was impossible, i think i only got 2 questions right.
In the evenng I met sunny for tea and she explained all the grammar stuff to me that I didnt understand, and she helped me with some work, shes so nice. We went for tea at a korean restaurant on campus, and I was slightly concerned that there might be dog on the menu because I keep being told that korean people like to eat dog, but I was pleased to see that there wasnt any. The food was really nice there as well and soooooooo cheap!!!

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