Wednesday 12 September 2007

The best meal so far

The university network is now letting me read my blog after i've written it and its not censored anymore so feel free to leave a comment on any of my blogs.

9th September

I've really liked most of the chinese food that we've had so far, although i have been quite boring and just had things that you can usually get at the take-away in england. And the food is so cheap, for a big meal I usually pay about 30yuan which is £2.20.
But today I just really wanted a nice English meal so Frankie and I went to the French concession which is an area of shanghai where we thought we would be able to find a nice none chinese restaurant.
We were just wandering around the french concession and its really nice and there are so many nice shops there. We found an english bookshop so I finally bought my chinese dictionary.
We found a really nice restaurant to have lunch at called Mesa. And we had fish and chips!!!!!! it was so good. Although it was the most expensive meal so far, but was only 100yuan which is still only about £7.

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