Tuesday 25 September 2007

A boring week

Im afraid this is another dull blog entry as I havent been doing much.

Last week Frankie and Fran were going out to get some tea and two chinese guys aproached them and asked if they could be friends so obv frankie and fran sad yes and the two guys took them out for a meal. So today they were going to take them out for a meal and sarah and i tagged along too. They are called vincent and greg and they are really nice, although possibly the biggest geeks ever. They couldnt meet for lunch or tea during the week because they had to study, and when we asked tehm what they would be doing in golden week they said that they would be studying, fun!
We had lunch at Sarahs and they werent sure what to order because it wasnt chinese food so i told vincent that he should have a pizza. but when it arrived he couldnt use the cuttlery because he's only ever used chopsticks so i had to explain how to use a knife and fork, which is actually quite hard to explain but he got the hang of it eventually.
In the afternoon I had to go back to the post office because I had a couple of parcels to send and when i gave the guy the parcels he didnt even ask what was in them, unlike the woman the day before who insisted on opening everything.

For lunch today frankie and I decided to go the korean restaurant just down the road from campus. I really liked it until I started looking through the menu and I saw that they had dog!!!!!!!!!!!! its so wrong, people shouldnt eat it. We ordered our food and then a guy came and started a fire in the middle of our table and frankie had to cook the chicken that shed ordered. The food was all really nice, but when we got the bill there was something extra added on and we had to pay for the oven on the table, so as well as paying for our food, we had to pay to cook it!

Today was mid-autumn festival. Im not entirely sure what that is, but i think that its the day when the moon is supposed to be at its brightest and people eat moon cakes. So in the evening we all met on the sports field and had a little picnic and moon cakes, although they werent really very nice. They look slightly like pork pies but they have something really wierd inside them which is really sweet. The moon festival wasnt really that exciting but it we had a really nice evening anyway and Justin persuaded frankie and i to move to cleveland.

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