Friday 21 September 2007

Electronic dictionaries are so cool

20th September

Today after class we met sarah and went for lunch with her and some people in her class. We went to an amazing place for lunch which is run by a little chinese guy who speak english and indonesian, and he has a funny beard. The food was so good. We had sweet bananas (bananas covered in caramel) and sweet potatoes which were covered in caramel and a couple of other things, it was so yummy and really cheap.

After lunch we went to xujiahui because we wanted to get electronic dictionaries. Its so hard doing work when you have to look up chinese words in a dictionary because it takes so long and all the korean people in our class have electronic ones so we thought we should get them too. Frankie and I got really cool ones which let you write the character on the screen with a special pen and then it tells you what it means. Its amazing. And sarah got one that does loads of different languages because she wanted it to translate chinese to german. But it took sarah a while to get hers because she had to wait for a guy to finish his break. But we didnt mind because the shop was soooooooo cool. First of all frankie and I played on all the pianos and guitars and the electric drums and then we played computer games for a while, and when we got bored of that we went to look at the laptops and checked our emails. It kept us entertained for ages!

Whe we got back justin was sat downstairs in our halls using the wireless so we talked to him for a while, and he was telling us that the other day he was thinking about which of his friends in america would be the most suitable boyfriends for us, mines called Jim!

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