Friday 21 September 2007


18th September

For the past few days there had been these announcements around uni from the little speakers that there are everywhere and obviously i couldnt understand them so i thought they werent important and i just ignored them.
This afternoon i met sunny and taught her all about british politics and she translated my reading stuff for me because its soooooooooo difficult, and i asked her what the announcements were saying and she told me that they were safety announcements for the typhoon that was about to hit shanghai.And when i got home I had an email from my dad asking if i was ok because he'd heard about the typhoon on the news.
It was so exciting!
We looked for information about it on the internet and frankie read that it was a level 10 typhoon was is quite serious!

19th September - the most dissapoiting typhoon ever

The typhoon was supposed to happen during the night but all that happened where we live was just loads of rain and a bit of wind that made our windows rattle slightly.
Although quite a lot of people used it as an excuse to miss class this morning, but because im so dedicated i still went lol.

In the afternoon I went to the post office to post jen's birthday gifts, I hate the woman who works at the post office. She asked me what was in the parcel so i told her that they were birthday gifts and that wasnt a good enough answer for her so she opened the envelope and took out all the gifts, that were beautifully wrapped, and asked me what they were. So i tried in my best chinese to explain what they all were. But she didnt understand and she unwrapped them!!! i was sooooo angry. And then I had to fill in loads of forms saying that I didnt mind if the customs people opened my parcel to see what was in it and it was so much hassle. And then she put them all into a different envelope and i didnt see what she put in that envelope because she took it to another room so i couldnt see.

Went to sarahs and had beer and curry for tea, was nice.

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