Wednesday 12 September 2007

First day at uni

This morning I had my first class!
I went to the ICCS building (the foreign students building) because I assumed that the classes would be in there, but when i got to the room that was on my timetable it turned out to be someone's office, so a helpful man took me to a big map of campus and pointed out where the building was. It was actually on the east campus on the other side of the road - the people really should have told us that when we got our timetables.
There was a german girl (who looked chinese) who was a bit lost as well so i walked over with her. She was sooooooo small and she was wearing massive heals as well - loads of the asian students walk around uni wearing really high shoes which is just so impractical and pointless at uni. The german girl spoke really good english because she had lived in Bournemouth for a year. She was asking me how long I'd been learning chinese for so i said that i'd been doing it for 2 years and that I was in the elemenatry 2 class, and then she said that she'd only been learning for 7 months and that she was in the class above me - Great!
I was a bit late for class and everyone was already there when I arrived. When I sat down the teacher told me to stand up and I had to introduce myself (in chinese) which was ok, but people were just looking at me with blank expressions and I dont think they understood what I was saying. The class started and we spent ages reading words from the textbook, and they had pinyin next to them so it was really easy, and then we spent ages learning 比 which is something I did in first year in newcaslte. And then some people in the class couldnt understand anything, and there was one guy who answered "shanghai" to every question that the teacher asked him!

After class I went for lunch with frankie and an english guy called David who was in her class. He had been teaching in china for 18 months but he had got bored of that and decided to learn mandarin properly. He was very useful to have lunch with because he knew what things were on the menu and we had a really nice lunch.

In the afternoon Frankie and I went to ask about changing classes and it was fine. We went to change our text books and they were a lot cheaper than the level 2 books so we got some money back!!!

I couldnt be bothered to do any work in the afternoon so I went shopping instead. There was a massive supermarket up the road so I had a walk up there. There was loads of interesting stuff and I just spent ages wondering around and looking at the food.

In the evening Gemma, Frankie and I went out for tea to this little place on campus where Gemma had been a couple of days ago with Justin (an american guy on our course). The food was so good. We had beef stew with lots of nice vegetables. It was so nice to have food that wasnt fried and covered in MSG.
Afterwards Frankie and I decided to cycle to Mister Donut which was just by the big supermarket. We dont have any lights on our bicycles but we thought it was ok because some other people didn't have lights on their bicycles. Cycling there was fine, but on the way back it was soooooooo bad!! A bus pulled in at the bus stop so I decided to cycle round the outside of it because someone else was, but I didnt realise that there was another bus in front of that one. When I had overtaken the first bus that was stopped, the other bus pulled out and pushed me into the busy road. It was sooooooo scary. I couldnt pull in behind the bus because there were other ones behind it so I had to cycle really fast and I just managed to get in front of it and get back into the cycle lane.
I need to buy a light for my bicycle.

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