Thursday 22 November 2007

Nights out and other stuff

16th November
I have booked flights to come home for christmas which is very exciting.
Tonight we celebrated my birthday, even tho my bday was quite a while ago, but we've been really busy because of the exams and the field trip so havent had chance to celebrate it before. The night started at McDonalds which was really good. And then we went to a bar called The Spot because they had ladies night. We arrived a bit too early for ladies night so we had to buy a drink, but then at 10pm it was free drinks so we made the most of those. Then we got a taxi to windows which is really good, lots of cheap drinks. I met a french guy, and I thought it would be a good opportunity to practise speaking french, but I couldnt actually say anything, and then i found out that he could speak some chinese so we ended up speaking chinese because it was easier!!

18th November
Today we went to the Shanghai Museum. It was really good - and only 5yuan with our student discount. There was loads to see and we were there for hours. Outside the museum we met some random chinese people who came to talk to us, and they were wanting us to come to see an acrobatics show with them, so we made Justin give them his number and we said we would call them - obv we didnt. We watched hairspray which was really good.

Today was pretting boring. We went to a Uygur restaurant for lunch which was very nice. This evening I went to teach and I had to teach them 'in' 'on' and 'under'. It was quite easy, I just played games for an hour and a half. At the end of the class one of the girls dad came to talk to me. Usually her mum brings her to class, and she talks to me because she speaks really good english. Her dad was really nice, and told me that he was pleased that I was teaching them now because the teacher before was american, and he thinks its better for molly to learn British English. I agreed with him, and told him that British English was much better than American English! He told me that he was a teacher at my uni and gave me their family number so I can call them if I have any problems.

Today in class we were learning the new words and one of the words was "golden" and so the teacher made up a sentence to show us how to use it, and he said "who in the class has golden hair?" (given that most people are asian, it was obv me) and everyone was pointing at me and laughing, it was tres embaressing.
This evening we decided to have a night out because it was ladies night at a few of the bars. We went to Barbarossa which is in people's square. It was really nice, it was on a little lake in the square and we got good seats on the balcony. AND we got free cocktails which were really nice, so had quite a few of those. Afterwards we went to Zapatas where there was also ladies night there, but it finished at midnight. We got there just before midnight so we went to the bar to get our free drinks. But there was some moody woman waiting at the bar before me, and she was crap at getting served and we had to wait for ages, and so by the time we got served it was past midnight and there were no free drinks left. Bt luckily we managed to get some drinks upstairs. After several free drinks we were pretty drunk and so we decided to go and dance on the bar, so funny!! We met several random people . There was a guy from finland who was hilarious and was trying to teach me sweedish which was hilarious, unfortunately ive forgotten it all though. Met a few english people who were quite funny, and very drunk!!
At the end of the night we decided to go to Lochlan's apartment because Justin had been there and told us it was really nice. It was only a short walk away from Zapatas which was good. It was such a nice apartment, and we were all being really nosey and having a look around. We were quite tired because it was about 3.30am so Beki, Frankie and I decided to go to sleep in Lochlan's bed. After a while he came in to see us and wasnt sure what to do when he discovered 3 girls in his bed, it was funny. Frankie decided to be nosey and have a look through his things and tried on some of his clothes which was really funny. We also discovered that he has lots of Rubix cubes - strange. After a while, Frankie came and told us that Justin had gone to sleep on the balcony outside so we thought we should go home. All 5 of us managed to get into the same taxi, even though you're only meant to have 4 people. When we got back we had been locked out of our halls, so after knocking on the door for a couple of minutes someone came to let us in!! Was a really good night, we will definately be going there again to make the most of ladies night and the free drinks!

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