Friday 2 November 2007


30th October
well i had a lie in this morning, we were supposed to go to class in the morning but i decided to have a day off because it was my birthday. Altho i did get woken up at 6.55am with a text from william to wish my happy birthday, and i think he had done that on purpose because i texted him really early yesterday to get him to go on skype.
I finished packing and then at 12 we went to get on the bus to the mountains. We had to listen to 2 guys talking at the front of the bus for ages, and i think one of the guys was giving us some kind of cultural talk because he was going on about different cities and provinces and other boring stuff, but i just sat there eating the cake that gemma and beki gave me so i was happy. We watched Mr Bean on the bus for a bit which helped to pass some time, but i got bored of that after a while. Spending 5 and a half hours on a bus isnt fun!! We went to a restaurant when we arrived at the town at the bottom of the mountain and then we went to the hotel afterwards.
It was quite early when we arrived, so after we left our stuff in our rooms, we went with the italians to the old street. we went on one of the bicycle taxis which was really good fun, and frankie got our cyclist to sing happy birthday to me!! the old street was nice, but a bit touristy. At the end of the street we found a nice bar so we all went and sat in there and had a couple of drinks, and the guy there gave everyone a free drink because we told him it was my birthday. When we were walking down the old street we bought some small backpacks because we were told on the way to the mountains that we would be spending a night at the top of the mountains and i didnt want to have to carry my massive backpack all the way to the top, so i bought a small bag that i could put all my essentials in (make-up and hairstraighteners).
Afterwards we got in a taxi back to the hotel and we kept asking the driver to sing happy birthday to me but he kept saying that he couldnt sing, but when we got at the hotel he sang one ine so i was very happy. And the best thing of all - i put the tv on in our room and they had harry potter on and it was in english!!!!

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