Saturday 3 November 2007

The last day of the field trip

2nd November
This morning I got a lie in - I didnt have to get up till 7am!!! We had another nice breakfast of fried rice and strange bread things, and then we all got on the bus and went to Xidi Villiage. It was another nice village with old buildings, and they had some massive stone arches that were built for some special reason but I dont know what because I couldnt be bothered to read the information things or listen to the tourguide. But just for a change our guide was being really annoying and didnt give us time to look at anything - when i say she didnt give us time to look at anything, I mean she didnt give us time to look at any of the shops, and they all looked really nice and there was lots of nice bracelets and things that i could have wasted my money on.

We got back on the bus to go to the next place which was litterally 1 minute away. We got on the bus, drove down to the end of the road, and then got off the bus again .We could have just walked there, but the obv think we are really lazy because they drove us. We had a look round a nice garden, and the sun came out. We spent most of our time sat in one of the pagodas on top of a building enjoying the sunshine.

After that we went for lunch - even tho it was 11.30am. i dont know why that have to eat so early in china. But after lunch we got back on the bus, said goodbye to our tourguide (thank god) and then set off back to shanghai. The journey was so boring. It was alright to start with because the scenery was really pretty, but then I got so bored, and i was really tired but it was too uncomfy and i couldnt get to sleep. We had to stop at a tea place as well on the way back, and some woman gave us a boring talk about tea, but we left part way through and went to look at the gift shop, but I didnt have any money with me so i went back to the bus with frankie. There were some guys sat on the bus next to us (they were chinese so obviously they were staring because that is what chinese people do best) so i waved at them which they found quite funny, but then they didnt stop staring so we had to get off the bus and wait outside for everyone. But we didnt have to wait for too long and then we set off again. We eventually got back to shanghai, and when i got back I had a parcel from my twin which was full of sweets and chocolate :)

We went for tea at sarahs and had some normal food, and then I had an early night because I was soooooooo tired.

I had such an amazing time at the mountains though, altho it was really misty, the scenery was really pretty, and it was nice to get out of the city and get some fresh air!!

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