Wednesday 14 November 2007

Exams and boring stuff

9th November
This morning I went to reading class. In the break three of the korean guys were talking to me, and one of them asked if i thought another one was good looking. It was such an awkward moment because it would have been really rude to say No, and I couldnt say yes, so i just laughed (quite a lot) and they gave me a strange look and asked again, but then luckily the bell went and class started again.
In the afternoon we went to speaking exam and the teacher was telling us about what would be in our exam next week. I didnt understand what he was going on about so frankie and I decided to ask him at the end of class rather than asking in front of everyone. But during class one of the koreans asked us if we understood, and when we said no, he put his hand up and shouted "the english girls dont understand" - it was so embaressing!!! But talking about the exam took up the whole of the lesson time so we didnt have to do any work.
We went for tea to an Islam restaurant which was really nice. And Frankie got Stardust on dvd - really random film, but really good!

10th November
This morning I got woken up by some really loud music outside which was soooooooo annoying. I had a pretty boring morning, just went to the supermarket and did some other stuff.
This afternoon I started teaching another class. The children were only 4 years old and it was their first ever english class. I had to teach them 'A' and 'B' which was actually quite difficult. When the parents left their children in the classroom, some of the children started crying. It was so bad! But I just gave them all some stickers which helped to cheer them up.

11th November
Today was very boring. Did my washing, did some revision and then phoned my twin because it was her birthday. But in the evening we decided to go out for a nice tea, and we went to an Indian restaurant. I have missed Indian food soooooo much!!! I had a chicken biryani, pineapple raita and a potato stuffed bread! It was all so nice, although it was quite pricey (well the same as it would be in england - but very expensive for china).

13th November
Had my listening exam today - it wasnt great. All the questions were ones that we had already done in our textbook, but I couldnt remember any of them! In the exam, the koreans we all blatantly cheating and the teacher didnt seem to care! As a treat after the exam, frankie and I went to KFC for lunch.
In the evening I went to work. Today I had to teach the children a song which was pretty easy, altho I had to sing in front of them which was quite embaressing.

14th November
When I woke up Frankie told me that I had been speaking and laughing in my sleep - im such a freak!!!
We had the writing exam today which was ok, a lot better than the listening one yesterday.
After class I went back to halls, and when I got there the man (who has the job of telling you where to put your bicycle) told me that I couldnt leave it outside where I normally put it, and he said I had to put in the underground bicycle room. I told him that I was going out in half an hour so I would need it again but he didnt care and made me put it downstairs! So annoying! (I hate putting it in the underground thing because our bicycles were down there when the bells got stolen).
This evening I went to teach again - I was covering for someone else. The class was quite good, I just had to teach them colours. In this class some of the children had really funny english names, the best ones were Banana, Yo Yo and Rain. So funny! At one point I didnt have my chinese assistant in the class and one of the boys hit a girl and everyone started shouting in chinese and it was all a bit mad - but I managed to deal with the situation (and succesfully speak chinese well enough for the children to understand me) and I made the boy sit at the front of the class by himself which he didnt like. Hopefully I wont have to cover for that class again.
On the way back to halls I went to the fruit stall on campus again and the wierd guy with long finger nails was working there, and he made the woman who works there tell me that he thought I was beautiful, and then he gave me a piece of watermelon to eat but it looked minging so I said no thanks and quickly left!

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