Thursday 29 November 2007


This morning I got up and had a shower, and then I thought that it was stupid having class so early in the morning so i decided to go back to bed. Today was pretty uneventful. I made it to listening class later on, and then ate at Sarahs for lunch and tea because its so good. Fran was going to see Beki after tea to sort out their travel plans so we all decided to tag along. After a while we decided to go and watch a film, but we stopped to speak to Justin on our way home and we ended up arguing with him for ages about the healthcare being crap in America. Altho we will go visit Justin more often because he gave us loads of stuff when we went round, frankie got a webcam and some trousers, and I got a computer mouse and he also gave us 10 dvds!!

This morning I managed to get up and go to class on time, even though it was very boring. We went to get noodles for lunch, and then we watched one of the dvds that Justin had given us. We went for tea at the canteen and then I had to go to work. When i got there I discoverd that they were doing loads of building work at school and it smelt like glue and paint, and I was really concerned that the children would get high off the fumes and be even more crazy than usual, but luckily they moved us to another classroom at bit further away.

After work I went and met fran and justin and we went into town to a club called Bonbon. Vanessa had invited us out to karaOK but Justin and I had to work, and fran had dance, so we said we would just meet them at bonbon afterwards. When we got to the club we saw the tallest man EVER. He was definately over seven ft, he was huge!!!!!!!! and I was actually quite scared to give him my tickets.

We went upstairs and got some drinks and then we went to sit down. But someone came and told us that we could only sit there is we paid more money, so we went to sit somewhere else, and the same thing happened. Eventually they pointed out the seats that were free. We were just sat having a drink and we saw a rat run past - nice!! Apparantly there were several rats running around during the course of the evening. Shortly after, Vanessa arrived and she spoke to someone and got us a nice booth to sit it. We went to go and dance and after a while a chinese guy came to dance with me, but he was getting a bit too close and luckily frankie saved me. Later on I was dancing with some other chinese guys and one of them invited me back to his booth so of course i said yes. We were playing a drinking game - basically we were playing paper, scissor, stone and whoever lost had to down a glass of vodka and orange. I was losing quite badly so I left and went to go and dance with everyone else. I'd had quite a lot to drink by this point as it was £3.50 all you can drink, so I decided to start drinking beer rather than vodka, which wasnt the best idea i've ever had!! Frankie and I left not long after. We were followed to our taxi by a Nigerian man called Wendy who asked for my number, so i gave it to him to get rid of him, but looking back I should have given him a wrong number.

We got back to campus, and i decided to skip back to halls, but this was a bit idea as i tripped over the curb and landed on my knee infront of the security people at the entrance of campus. They were not amused. Despite my injury I managed to skip/run back to the waibinglou, only to discover that we had been locked out!! After banging on the door someone came to let us in, and pointed out the bell that we should have pressed rather than banging on the door.

No suprises that I didnt make it to class this morning. Didnt do anything in the morning, and then we went for korean food for lunch. Watched a film in the afternoon, and then I went to go and teach. I was covering for someones else's class today, and it was the class that i was teaching a couple of weeks ago, where the children have silly names like yoyo and banana. And I discovered today that one was called Snail, hilarious

Just before I was about to go to bed, Wendy from Nigeria called to ask if i was "partying" tonight. I told him that I wasnt, and I couldnt understand what he was saying so i hung up.

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