Saturday 8 December 2007

the new apartment

Today I went for a run!!!

1st December
This morning we went to the christmas market. It was alright, not as exciting as I thought it would be, and everything was quite expensive. Got a few christmas gifts for people tho. This afternoon I was teaching and the first half of the class went really well, and my assistant just sat at the back and did nothing. But in the second half of my class I got Michelle as my assistant and shes so annoying because she always talks to the children in chinese when im trying to teach them and it just makes it impossible, and they all started shouting so I was having to shout over them.

This morning I got up early and went to work and I had to give everyone a test. But I was nice and gave everyone a good mark cos they all tried quite hard. Altho one of the children kept coming over when I was giving everyone their test and telling them the answers.
Didnt do anything else today.

Today frankie and I went into town and frankie bought a saxaphone which was very exciting. We went to starbucks afterwards and they didnt have any hot chocolate, outrageous!!! But I had a nice cup of tea tho, altho it was the same price as a meal at some of the places near campus!
Went to work again this evening and I just had to review the whole book which was pretty easy, just played games for an hour and a half and sang various songs.

This evening we took Beki to buy a bike, and then we cycled to our apartment to meet Mr Tu (our landlord). Some woman who also met us spent ages writing down what furniture and stuff there was in the apartment, and then we paid him our rent and we got our keys!!!!!

Today I was lazy and only went to the second half of class. And then in speaking class today I actually had to speak which was a bit of an effort because usually I just sit at the back and dont say much. We went back to halls and started packing which didnt take too long, and then we got a taxi to our apartment and started to unpack everything. We didnt have time to buy bedding so we went back to halls and decided to stay there for another night. We went out tonight. We went round to our friends apartment first and played what was supposedly a traditional finnish drinking game. Basically you put a pack of cards on top of a beer bottle, and then in one breath you have to blow some cards off. And you lose if you dont blow any off, blow them all off or if you leave an Ace on top, it sounds pretty easy. but I couldnt actually blow any of the cards off, and then when I actually did I blew the whole pack off so I lost quite badly. After finishing a bottle of 60p chinese spirit (which was disgusting) we decided to go into town. However when we were leaving their flat we saw a little play area so I decided to go down the slide - but it was a bad idea because it had been raining and there was a big puddle at the bottom of it so i got quite wet.
We went to a club called MT club which wasnt that great. The music was good, but all the men were really pervy and at one point loads of random clowns on stilts came in and they set up a volleyball net across the dance floor and they started playing volleyball so no one could dance!!! We werent really enjoying it there, but there was another club downstairs called bonbon so we went there and saw the tallest man in the world again. There was a random dancing competition thing on the main dance floor and it was packed, but luckily we found a quiter dance floor near the back.

This morning we got up and packed the rest of our things and left halls. But they wouldnt give us our deposit because we didnt have our receipts. So we packed the rest of the stuff onto our bikes and cycled to our new apartment to look for our receipts. Luckily frankie found hers and when we went back we both got our deposits back.
We went to ikea in the afternoon and get al new bedding and stuff, and we had a nice lunch there too. I went to tesco in the afternoon which wasnt as exciting as i thought it would be because it was the same as any other chinese supermarket.